Sully’s Royal Enfield
“Sully’s Royal Enfield”, 24″x30″x1.5″, acrylic on canvas, 2019.
As my husband and I were walking down an alley in Rome, I saw this bike. The rider had obviously driven through a puddle, and there were splashes of water on the tank and engine. What really caught my eye was the vibrant orange light against the dark body. I loved how my husband, myself, and the surrounding buildings were distorted in the gas tank. I snapped a quick photo to paint when we got home.
Shortly after our trip to Italy, my best friend and studio buddy (our 10yo Labradoodle) was diagnosed with nasal cancer. For four months we did everything we could to keep her comfortable. I was a mess and had hit depression like never before. My art suffered, and all I could do was be with my family. In early December, our dog Sully passed.
Through the sadness I came back to this painting. I worked longer on this piece than I normally would, but it became a kind of therapy for me. I’m titling this “Sully’s Royal Enfield” as it is a painting that will forever remind me of observing the beautiful things in this world. To stop and spend time with those you love.
Available through Abend Gallery.