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Being a Creative Hermit during Stay At Home order

Writer's picture: ShanShan

Hello everyone. How are YOU? I've been thinking about writing this blog for a few weeks now, but honestly haven't known what to say.

Our world is a bit crazy right now with the spread of Covid-19. (That's an understatement, Shan.) Like everyone else, my days are filled with news, social media, Zoom family chats, and texts from friends. I and my husband are self isolating in our home in Austin, Texas. Being a worrier by nature, each day brings new anxiety. I worry about our 23yo son and his girlfriend working at their essential jobs. I worry about elderly relatives and their health. I worry about everyone experiencing loneliness and depression. I worry about my friends, family, gallery and media staff, neighbors, and everyone losing their jobs. I feel like I'm constantly on high alert. Are you feeling that too? I think we are all in a "Fight or Flight" situation. Kind of like an emotional marathon where we can't see the finish line. It is exhausting.

I had a 5 woman exhibition scheduled to open in a few days. It has been canceled indefinitely. All of my future art events have been canceled until our world resumes. I don't know when that will be, but I hope it is on the horizon. So, I am creating right now for myself. I have a painting I'm currently working on (that I am enjoying), but it is slow going as I can't seem to sit still for long.

When this all started, I had plans to paint like never before, declutter our home, exercise daily, cook more, and a myriad of other things. That hasn't happened. Instead, I've come to the realization that I can forgive myself for not being as productive as I'd planned. That it is alright to just be with family and treasure one another. We pressure ourselves to be productive 24/7, but that isn't fair. These are uncharted waters, and we do not know what lies ahead. Best to take each day as it comes and let that self induced guilt go. Turn off the news just for a day if you can. Read a book, take a nap, go for a walk, build a puzzle, snuggle with those you love. Most of all, go easy on yourself and those around you. We are all feeling uncertain and emotionally drained. It is ok to just BE.

If you are reading this, I thank you and want you to know that I treasure you. We will get through this. Life won't be the same for a while, but I hope that we all learn to be kinder and more understanding on the other side. This virus targets ALL of us. No matter our skin color, religious beliefs, political leanings, income, gender, or age. May we all set aside our differences, and care for one another as humans. We are in this fight together.

I created a video to share how my days are going. I hope that you and yours remain safe and healthy.

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