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1959 Chevrolet Impala


This image has a funny story. My husband and I had just left the house to go to the post office. As we were driving through our neighborhood, we saw this GORGEOUS Impala turn on a street ahead of us. I looked at my husband and said: “Oh my gosh! I want to paint that! Follow that car!”

We caught up to the driver, all the while honking our horn to get his attention. The driver pulled out and I jumped out of the car with my business card in hand. I explained that I am a realist vehicle painter and would love to photograph his car for a painting. The kind gentleman was in a hurry, and took my card stating he would call if the opportunity arose for photos.

A few weeks later, the owner called saying that the car was going into storage and that if I wanted photos, to meet him and his wife at a local restaurant within the half hour. In my paint clothes, I grabbed my camera and my son (who is a much better photographer than I am). We met the owners, had a great chat, and took photos for me to work from. I was told that this beautiful vehicle had always been in his family and always would be. She was in pristine condition with a black exterior and vibrant red leather interior. What a beauty!

“1959 Chevrolet Impala”, 12″x60″x1.5″, acrylic on cotton canvas.

Available through Abend Gallery.

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