1951 Triumph T100 (Tiger 100)

This painting was a challenge for me. My husband and I were attending a local motorcycle event, and I knew this Triumph would be a fun bit of chrome to paint. While we were photographing her, the organizers were having a painted helmet contest in the background. Can you see the blurred helmets on poles in the back? As the camera lens focused on the Triumph, it blurred the background with what photographers call “Bokeh”.
Reviewing our photos from the day, this image caught my eye. The crisp lines of the motorcycle with a hint of activity in the background made an interesting balance of realism with abstraction. This is an area that I want to explore more with future works. Your eyes see a detailed element of the story, but your imagination has to work out the rest. Such a fun challenge to create onto canvas.
This painting is available through The Kessler Collection Grand Bohemian Galleries https://grandbohemiangallery.com/artist/shan-fannin
“1951 Triumph T100 (Tiger 100) Motorcycle”, 18″x36″x1.5″, acrylic on canvas
Available through The Kessler Collection Grand Bohemian Galleries https://grandbohemiangallery.com/artist/shan-fannin
Unframed. Letter of Authenticity included.