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1948 Jaguar MK IV Hood Ornament

1948 Jaguar MK IV Detail

Jaguar MK IV circa 1948″, 16″x20″x1.5″ acrylic on canvas. 2018

How beautiful are hood ornaments? I believe that they are tiny pieces of sculpture adorning beautiful cars. This Jaguar ornament is such an example.


This is my first hood ornament painting, and I know that there will be more in the future. I saw this lovely lady while walking around a local vintage car show, and asked my husband to snap a shot of it. (NOTE: You can see him in the reflection of the Jaguar.) This painting is also a fun combination of realism and blurred abstraction. Photographers call that blurry area Bokeh . I created this same blurry background for my 1951 Triumph T100 motorcycle painting, and loved the challenge. More of this style will be coming to canvases as well.


This painting debuted during the 2018 Lubbock Art Festival. I’m thrilled to share that I am the featured artist for this year’s event. Mattel/Hot Wheels will be helping to sponsor this event and attempting to earn the World’s Record for longest track. You can read more about the show HERE.



Shan and Jag hood ornament
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